Monday 2 September 2013

Highlands & Islands Equality Forum (HIEF)

Promoting equality and human rights across the Highlands & Islands of Scotland

HIEF Events                                                                                                  

ORKNEY: HIEF and Highland LGBT Forum Roadshow - still time to book!
5th September, 9.30am - 4.30pm
St Magnus Centre, Kirkwall

HIEF and the Highland Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Forum (Highland LGBT Forum) are looking forward to visiting Kirkwall for our next roadshow. This free event will provide a greater understanding of issues surrounding gender and sexual orientation, and difficulties faced by LGBT people, as well as looking at wider issues of equality and human rights. Find out more and book your place

SHETLAND: Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
3rd October, 10.00am - 4.00pm
Shetland Museum and Archives, Lerwick

For our Shetland event, HIEF and the Highland Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Forum (Highland LGBT Forum) have teamed up with the British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) as part of the BIHR Human Rights Tour 2013. This free event is about raising awareness and applying human rights in everyday life as well as providing a greater understanding of issues around gender, sexuality and diversity. Find out more and book your place

NEW! INVERNESS: Older People Taking Action
22nd October, 10.30am - 3.00pm
Spectrum Centre, Inverness

HIEF, Outside the Box Development Support and the Highland Senior Citizens Network 
(HSCN) are running a free event to explore how community led action can remove the barriers to older people's wellbeing in the Highlands. The event will look at some of the work already happening, support available and provide an opportunity to share ideas and experiences and propose solutions. Find out more and book your place

Latest News                                                                                                  

Hopes that areas in Highland will be exempt from bedroom tax
It has emerged that some parts of the Highlands could be eligible for exemptions from the bedroom tax. A Westminster committee has recommended that the spare room subsidy should be lifted in rural areas with settlements of less than 3,000 residents. Find out more

Bedroom tax forcing cutbacks
A report by the Papworth Trust states that nine out of ten disabled people in social housing are having to make cuts across a range of essentials, including food and medicine, if they are refused discretionary housing payments. Find out more

Concern over food banks being used to subsidise welfare funds
With the news that a £33m welfare fund is being considerably under used, poverty campaigners are concerned that councils are using food banks to subsidise state benefits. They claim that staff are trying too hard to save council's money and directing people to food banks instead of using the welfare funds available. Find out more

Lochaber food bank closer to opening
The first food bank in Lochaber is one step closer to opening after trustrees of the Lochaber Foodbank project were granted planning permission to turn an empty shop unit in Fort William into a storage and distribution facility for emergency food aid. Find out more 

Moray charity wins Queen's Award
Moray Fresh Start has won a Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. The charity, which supports homeless people who are moving into new tenancies, last year helped around 200 people who had been affected by homelessness. Find out more

Patient Opinion - health services feedback requested
Patient Opinion, an independant non-profit feedback platform, is looking for your stories and opinions about the health service with the aim of improving those services. "Tell us your story and let's work together to make health services even better". Find out more

Faith Journeys Beyond the Congregation - summary of research
The Church of Scotland has published a summary of insights gathered from research in the Highlands and Islands. The research was initiated to develop a better understanding of the experiences and perspectives of people who are committed Christians but not engaged in a church congregation. Find out more

Gypsy and Traveller hand-held record report
NHS Health Scotland have published their report 'Insight into the use of the Hand-Held Record and other methods of NHS engagement with Gypsy/Travellers in Scotland'. One of the aims is that the report will be used to stimulate local discussion about further work to improve access to services for the Gypsy and Traveller community. Find out more


Immigration Law Basics - 10th September, Inverness
The Ethnic Minorities Law Centre are holding a free session which will give an introduction to immigration law, highlighting the changes to the requirements for partners joining their British sponsor in the UK. The event will also discuss changes in the right of appeal for family visitors and forthcoming changes in the English language requirement. Find out more

Intercultural Understanding event - 10th September, Inverness
Global Education - Xchange Scotland is delivering an event to explore differences between culture groups, a sense of belonging, individuality and identity. For more information or to book your place contact Christina Mclinktock. (

Safer, Stronger, Fairer conference - 13th September, Inverness
LGBT Youth Scotland is running an event with the Highland LGBT Forum and Merkinch Partnership to consider how to meet the needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the Highlands. The conference aims to develop dialogue between decision makers and policy makers in Highland and those responsible for providing services to LGBT people.Find out more

Violence Against Women Interfaith event - 31st October, Inverness
This event will examine the multi-agency partnership response to violence against women in Scotland, how faith communities are already tackling these issues and how we can work together to address violence against women and support those affected. For further information or to book your place contact Gillian Gunn. (

Funding Opportunities                                                                                 

Bank of Scotland - Small Grants Programme
The Bank of Scotland is offering grants of between £1,000 and £20,000 to registered charities in Scotland. The grants are available to support projects that develop and improve local communities or help with financial literacy and financial inclusion. Application deadline is 14th October. Find out more

GC Gibson Charitable Trust
The trust is offering up to ten grants of £2,000 each to support innovative education or training projects that benefit disadvantaged young people. Application deadline is 31st October. Find out more

The Law Society Charity Grants
Grants of between £5,000 and £15,000 are available to voluntary sector organisations for projects concerned with human rights, access to justice and legal education. Application deadline is 8th November. Find out more

HIEF Representation                                                                                    

Highland Public Services Partnership Equality and Diversity Strategy Group
HIEF, along with the Highland Third Sector Partnership, is represented on this group to provide a voice for third sector organisations and community groups as part of the partnership's work to promote equality and diversity in Highland and eliminate unlawful discrimination. Find out more

Inclusive Cairngorms 
HIEF is represented alongside other third sector organisations, community groups and individuals as part of Inclusive Cairngorms, the advisory group to the Cairngorm's National Park Authority, to support the group's aims to promote social inclusion and involvement in the Park. Find out more

Make sure your voice is heard!
Please help us to ensure that your voice is included in HIEF's representation work by getting in contact with us at, or calling 01463 251 727, to share your views and experiences and tell us what the key issues are for you and the people you work with.

HIEF on Twitter and LinkedIn                                                                     

Join HIEF's new LinkedIn online discussion group
The 'Highlands and Islands Equality Forum (HIEF)' discussion group on LinkedIn is another great way to keep up to date with HIEF news, stay connected with the HIEF network and share your news and views. Visit our HIEF Online Discussion Group.

Follow HIEF on Twitter
HIEF has joined the world of Twitter! So, if you're a fan of the tweet then please follow us @SCVO_HIEF and discover how the Highlands and Islands is changing the world, 140 characters at a time! Visit our HIEF Twitter page.

Contact HIEF                                                                                                

HIEF continues to provide information, support and signposting to organisations and community groups. If you think HIEF can help you then please feel free to get in touch with us through our SCVO Information Service and your enquiry will be passed to the HIEF team:
Freephone number: 0800 169 0022

Or, you can get in touch with the HIEF Team directly:
Matt Tyrer, HIEF Project Leader
Telephone: 01463 251 727

Sasha Devine, Equality Development Officer
Telephone: 01463 258 801

Barbara Love, Development Officer
Telephone: 01463 251 725

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