Friday 14 September 2012

Volunteer with Crocus to help support children through the loss of a loved one

Volunteer with Crocus to help support children through the loss of a loved one.

Crocus is based in Raigmore Hospital and we offer a number of opportunities for bereaved children. A Day to Remember is held several times a year to allow children aged 6-17 to meet together and encourage open communication about their experiences and the person who has died. Crocus Club is held on the first Tuesday of every month, within school term time and funding permitting, we run an annual residential camp.

Volunteers are required who may have a background of social work, medicine, nursing or other caring professionals who can help with advice, listening and who are able to undertake regular training sessions. On our Days to Remember, children are often facing their grief for the first time, so we need people who can deal sensitively with sometimes distressed clients. We may also ask you to assist with fundraising from time to time.

We are also looking for someone to Chair our committee, a focused individual who can draw together the committees vision and plans, and who can assist the group to progress and develop, would be ideal. Someone who is interested in supporting children and someone with ability to help with funding applications would be beneficial.

Giving your time is easy, contact Debbie on 01463 706029(office manned part time) or email to register interest or to get more information.

John, Lexie & Meg have completed their walk for the Great Wilderness Challenge

John, Lexie & Meg have completed their walk for the Great Wilderness Challenge and raised over £300, passing their targeted amount and providing much needed funds for Highland Hospice. They and everyone at Signpost wish to thank you for all your help.