Tuesday 2 September 2014

hief@scvo.org.uk, come and check us out

Promoting equality and human rights across the Highlands & Islands of Scotland
The HIEF e-bulletin is a great way to share your news, information, resources, and upcoming events with organisations and community groups across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland involved in equality and human rights issues. Just get in touch with us at hief@scvo.org.uk and we will do our best to include your news in our future e-bulletins.

Latest news

ECHR rules prisoners denied the vote should not receive compensation
The European court of Human Rights has ruled that UK prisoners who have not been allowed to vote should not receive compensation. However, the court has upheld its earlier ruling that a blanket ban on prisoners voting breaches human rights law. Find out more

Black people targeted above average for stop and search
The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights has found that black people are being targeted at up to five times the rate as others for stop and search by police in some parts of Scotland. Find out more 

EHRC launch call for evidence on religion and belief
The Equality and Human Rights Commission has launched a major call for evidence. It aims to collect first hand experiences about how religion or belief has affected people in their workplaces and in using the services and facilities they need in everyday life. Find out more

UPDATE launch Scottish Disability Directory
UPDATE have launched a directory listing information on thousands of disability organisations and support groups, both locally and nationally. Find out more

HRCS release human rights report card
The Human Rights Consortium Scotland Scotland and the Glasgow University Law in Action initiative have collaborated to provide a Guide on the UN's 'Universal Periodic Review' of the UK's human rights record. Find out more

Training and events

SERN and EHRC Conference 2014 - 11 September, Glasgow
The Scottish Employment Rights Network and Equality and Human Rights Commission Conference 2014 will provide an update on the impact of significant recent changes to Employment Tribunals, with the introduction of fees and early conciliation. It will also provide an update on key discrimination cases and the important developments in equal pay law over the past year. Find out more

CEMVO Scotland Ethnic Minority Impact Awards - 24 October, Glasgow
CEMVO Scotland are hosting the second Ethnic Minority Impact Awards at the Crowne Plaza on the 24th of October. This year's guest speaker will be Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Find out more

Funding opportunities

Applications welcome for The Edge Fund 
The Edge Fund offer grants to communities, campaign groups and activists struggling for social, economic and environmental justice. The deadline for applications is September 8th. Find out more

Social Tech Seed applications to reopen on 22nd September
Social Tech Seed is an open investment programme that offers early-stage investment to entrepreneurs who are looking to develop new ventures using digital for social impact. Find out more

People's Postcode Lottery Dream Fund 2015 
The People's Postcode Lottery are now accepting applications for their Dream Fund 2015. The fund offers two grants, one of £750,000 for large charities and one of £250,000 for small charities. Find out more

HIEF representation

Highland Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Health Inequalities Sub-Group
HIEF is now a member of this important CPP sub-group and has responsibility for providing a representative voice on health inequality issues on behalf of the new Highland Third Sector Health Inequality Forum and the third sector across Highland. 

Hate Free Highland Steering Group
HIEF sits on the steering group of this multi-agency campaign to tackle hate crime across the Highland region. HIEF is particularly concerned with ensuring the third sector's contribution in tacking and reporting hate crime is recognised and strengthened.

Inclusive Cairngorms 
HIEF is represented alongside other third sector organisations, community groups and individuals as part of Inclusive Cairngorms, the advisory group to the Cairngorm's National Park Authority, to support the group's aims to promote social inclusion and involvement in the Park. Find out more

Make sure your voice is heard!
For more information about any of HIEF's representative work, or to help us to ensure that your voice is included, please get in contact with us at hief@scvo.org.uk, or call Matt Tyrer on 01463 251 727.

HIEF on Twitter

HIEF has joined the world of Twitter! So, if you're a fan of the tweet then please follow us @SCVO_HIEF and discover how the Highlands and Islands is changing the world, 140 characters at a time! Visit our HIEF Twitter page.

Contact HIEF

HIEF continues to provide information, support and signposting to organisations and community groups. If you think HIEF can help you then please feel free to get in touch with us through our SCVO Information Service and your enquiry will be passed to the HIEF team:

Freephone number: 0800 169 0022

Email: enquiries@scvo.org.uk

Or, you can get in touch with the HIEF Team directly:

Matt Tyrer, Programme Coordinator - Human Rights and Equality

Telephone: 01463 251 727
Email: matt.tyrer@scvo.org.uk

Sasha Devine, Equality Development Officer

Telephone: 01463 258 801
Email: sasha.devine@scvo.org.uk

Barbara Love, Development Officer

Telephone: 01463 251 725
Email: barbara.love@scvo.org.uk

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HIEF is part funded by the European Social Fund